Comments from FSQG members about the benefit of Guild Membership
When I went to my first guild meeting in 2002 I was immediately hooked. Here was a room full of women who shared by love of sewing and quilting. I was met at the door by Lyn Yeomans who welcomed me. The "Show and Tell" quilts made by members were beautiful. Among the many activities and projects to choose from I was immediately drawn to the Kumfort Quilts members were making for "at risk" children. This was the place for me!
Workshops are my favorite. The speaker at the guild meeting demonstrates her skills and ideas and shows examples of her work which inspire us. The next day at the workshop we get to try some of these skills. I always learn something new that I can use in my own quilting. Plus I get to spend time with my friends.
I like the willingness of guild members to share ideas and to teach others. At our monthly Friendship Group meeting one of our members teach us how to make a block, a quilt or some other item that requires sewing. I've also learned many tips like how to make bias binding.
I joined FSQG in 2014 when my son was in high school and I could once again focus on sewing. I found the guild members to be friendly and helpful. When I first joined the quilt guild I was very impressed with the many philanthropic projects which the guild participates in. They make pillowcases and drawstring bags for pediatric cancer patients, quilts for veterans, kumfort quilts for people in need as well as other projects. I am glad to be a part of such a wonderful group.
Friendship Square Quilt Guild name truly reflects that we are about FRIENDSHIP. I have made many lifelong friends by belonging to FSQG.
Please join us at our next meeting and see for yourself what
Friendship Square Quilt Guild has to offer.